Blue and White Depew Wildcat

Wellcats for Life Summer Camp Survey Link



We are happy to announce, if all things go well, that we will once again be running our Wellcats summer program.  The program will be limited to Cayuga Heights Students who completed grades K to 4 during the 2022-23 school year. Wellcats will run from July 10 to August 4, between the hours of 9:00 a.m and 3:00 p.m.  


The program will include sessions in Literacy, Sports, Cooperative Games, CATCH Nutrition, and Art. 


It is important to note that students currently in grades K to 4 who must attend summer school will be able to be a part of the Wellcats Camp, once their summer learning is over at noon each day.  When the summer school program has concluded the children will be able to fully attend the Wellcats Camp.


Due to the construction for the capital project the camp will be located at Depew Middle School.


If you are interested in the Wellcats Camp please complete the survey.  Once the 120 slots are full the survey will close.  A waitlist will go up on March 2, 2023 at 5:00 pm.


Please note that the Camp is dependent on the budget vote.



Wellcats for Life Summer Camp Survey Link