5261 S. Transit Road
Depew, NY 14043
Line for Parents: (716) 686-5155
Fax: (716) 686-5032
Hours: 6 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Ask any Transportation questions by emailing transportation@depewschools.org.
My Ride K-12 App
The Traversa Ride 360 Parent App is now My Ride K-12! The My Ride K-12 mobile app and website provides secure access to “real time” student transportation schedules, student ID card scans, and estimated arrival time at the bus stop and notifications. Parents have access to all the above in one convenient location, and there will no longer be a need to change your password each year. Click here for instructions.
Non-Public Students:
Bus requests must be made by April 1 if your child will attend a private, charter or parochial school.
Please submit your request using the Private School Transportation Form. In the interest of student safety, you will also need to complete a Student Medical Registration Form before your child will receive transportation.
School Closings: The decision to close schools during bad weather or emergencies is made by the Superintendent of Schools. Notification is given to local radio and television stations. Please use the links below:
Spectrum News
Half Days: Parents should make appropriate arrangements for early dismissals. When students are released for half days, buses will pick them up from schools following the timetable below:
High School/Middle School: 11 a.m.
Cayuga Heights Elementary: Noon
If no one is home to receive your Cayuga Elementary student(s) and you have not submitted a Superintendent Bus Note for Drop Offs, the bus will return your student(s) back to Cayuga for a parent pickup.
5261 S. Transit Road
Depew, NY 14043
Line for Parents: (716) 686-5155
Fax: (716) 686-5032
Hours: 6 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Transportation Supervisor
Phone: (716) 686-5155
Head Bus Driver
Phone: (716) 686-5142
Transportation Clerk
Phone: (716) 686-5141